My first ever toy camera, holga. That was the August-birthday-party-went-horrible when I received the package. It wasn't an ordinary joy for me, there was a kind of leap... plus I was little
I realized one thing that night after some temper tantrums gone too far off the normal.
She thought we betrayed her. She thought that's how a simple anguish can wash the friendship away. She thought that's how shallow she can dig us. She thought, nonetheless.
Well, the friendship was fixed after 2 years. But are there really some fixings? or it was just the time?
The gap overhauled the differences, it made us feel numb for a while but things will just find its way to be healed.
Now, my lomo camera collection is going bigger. I already have eight, yet, I left all of them in the box not because I'm not using them anymore, it's because I wanna keep them safe--since, I'm in a distant.
For time and distance are capable of measuring human connection, thus, they are synonymous.
neat post te ire! Love it! ;)